ASH044.ZIP 2142,922 04-20-97 Advanced Space Hunter. The Perfect Companion to Analyze Your Disks and Save Space Graphical Disk's Space Analysis. Duplicate Temporary, Same Name, Zero-size, Cluster Space Waste
CF606.ZIP 286,133 08-20-97 Cmfiler File Manager V6.06 - Acclaimed in Apr97 Pc Mag and May97 DOS World! With Win95 Long Filename Support. Side-by-side Trees or Dir Listings. Full Suite of Dir/File Services, Plus Built-in Editor,
DIRTO707.ZIP 150,251 07-31-97 Dirtotal.Exe (7.07): Prepares Report Showing Files in Subdirectory or Drive. Allows Restricting Search Based on Date, Size, Attributes, Etc. Works on Networked and Cd-rom Drives. Produces More Formalized Report
AV707.ZIP 144,694 07-31-97 Utilnet Av.Exe (7.07): Archive Directory Viewer. Presents List of Files in Archive (Zip, Arc, Etc) and Lets You Sort As Desired. Also Allows Resetting of the File Date Based on the Archive's Contents. Freeware.
FILL707.ZIP 105,808 07-31-97 Fill.Exe (7.07): Program Designed to Move Files Off to Floppy Diskettes, Taking the Biggest Files First and Skipping Those That Won't Fit. Also Works Fine for Transfers To/From Dos-compatible Networks
COPS707.ZIP 84,393 07-31-97 Copsince.Exe (7.07): Copies all Files Modified Since A Given Date. Primarily Used for Making Sure You Have A Back-up of Files and Also to Copy Updated Programs to Another Place. Lets You Define Your Own Groupings